I have a problem with a 2004 545I . I have taken it to a couple independant shops and neither seem to have an answer. This is a used car just purchased. High mileage at 184000, local one owner older couple (confirmed). Here are the symptoms I am having.
Driving in "D" at around 33-38 steady the transmission seems to having a hard time deciding which gear it wants to be in. Every 3 seconds to has a hiccup as if it want to change then decides not to.
When coming to a stop in "D" there is a surge and jolt right when you stop.
Also when driving around 45 then floor it there is a very hard clunk as it changes.
These symptoms seem to mostly dissapear when in "S" mode.
There are no codes being thrown in the computer at all.
Also I am not sure if this means anything but the idle seems to be high on the car. About 750 in gear. If you take your foot off the gas it will climb a hill.
I have a thought as to what it is but I hate to point someone in that direction.