Hi, Thanks for this resource. It's much appreciated. I've been struggling to save an old 5HP30 "lifetime fluid" trans. After somewhere near 5 oil changes, l have two issues left with which I need help. At highway speeds, before the trans is completely warm, the torque converter begins acting erratically. At constant speed it will randomly disengage, then re-engage moments later. It's action overall is clunky and harsh. The second issue also occurs just before operating temperature. After turning off the car for a moment and restarting, the idle bogs down and becomes rough as I pull forward. The car starts to buck forward and back lightly and a grinding sound comes from the area of the RR wheel upon acceleration. As I continueto accelerate, the problem goes away. At operating temp the trans works flawlessly. Any thoughts?
Maybe you should have added that it is a E34 1995 M Sport 540.
BTW: I appreciate that you made this board to discuss about special questions regarding trannies. I am reading the posts here to learn and also to better my knowledge about transmissions.
Greetings from Japan
E32 750iL 11/88 E32 750iL Highline 03/90 and some more E32 750
most likely your valvebody needs to be rebuilt. In many cases it is ok. in some it is to late, the damage got in the front clutch assembly. Torque converter ia a weak point,