I'm having a serious problem with my tranny. originally it started to shudder from first to second then the next day i lost forward movent all together but had perfect reverse. I had another 4hp 24 tranny in my parts car so i swapped them but used the old oil pump because i had to drill a bolt out of the bellhousing. didnt want to take any risks but the pump is fine just has a nick in the housing. anyways i put the tranny in and only had movent for a few moments after starting the car then nothing. then i realized the parts car had a 7 pin plug for the valve body so i switched valve bodies and harnesses and now have near zero movement. It will go into reverse but not fully, it slips more than anything. Since i changed valve bodies the dash no longer says trans program though. Oh and also when the old tranny stopped going forward the dash said trans program.
Could it be the oil pump?? if so why was the old tranny able to go into reverse perfectly. If you could help it would be greatly appreciated. I've been working on the car all day every day for two weeks straight.
Hey, Mine is doing exactly the same thing. I picked up a used 90 model that was running lousy and had a really harsh shift between 1st and 2nd. Got the engine back to spec and as soon as I showered down on the gas one time the engine revs but very little forward movement. Reverse is strong though. As a matter of fact if its stopped on a hill will not pull its weight. I changed the trans fluid and filter to no avail. If you found your main culprit would you drop me an email rconerly@hughes.net. Thanks Randy