Having the same problem of hard shifting with the 300SD except notice a bang or big clunk coming from the rear differential when going from 2nd gear to 1st gear. Is this the result of a worn part or entire driveline worn?
Hi, a hard bang on down shift close before you come to a complet stop, comes in the most cases from a wrong adjusted transmission, ---also check the adjustment.
Are the adjustments made to the vaccum system that serves the transmission or at the transmission? If the vaccum system needs adjustment would I need more or less vaccum to correct the hard downshift from 2nd to 1st?
Hi, in the most cases, when the transmission have a down shift clunk, the main cable (shift or kickdown cable) connected to the accelerator is the problem,--not adjusted right.
A simple rule is, the cable have to have a little dention, be sure the cable is not all the way backed up and lose. see the adjustments in the help section.
The modulator have nothing to do with a clunk only with hard or soft shifting in generally.
Adjust the pin in the middle clock wise 1 or 2 turns make it more hard shifting, counter clock wise 1 or 2 turns make it more soft shifting. You get it ?